nice one
i love that movie. this would work pretty well for an action sequence. something with running.
nice one
i love that movie. this would work pretty well for an action sequence. something with running.
time will tell
don't rule it out yet, friendo. this project is next in queue after the one we're working on right now. you may still be able to use elements from this. i think i'll just let you score it, the way you did the last one... except that i'll get you a final version first.
if you only see through
you may miss the point.
pretty good
i wish i had more stuff for you to make stuff for.
pretty excellent
it makes me want to make an 8 bit game.
It BETTER haha You should that would be tight. Something like The majesty of colors!
it makes me think of something.
but i'm not quite sure what. pretty excellent, though. if i were better at getting stuff done, i'd use it.
And if i was better at motivating you i bet you would too. Thanks allot for the compliment, i always appreciate it. Anyways im looking forward to working with you on your upcoming movies!
maek mor musik.
l'animation est mon dada.
All of them
Joined on 7/5/05