remembre a year ago when we did that carton, meddal gaer solid lif alurm? 10 or 12 of u saw it, it had front paeg 4 2 or 3 days. about a year ago i ment to maek like walepappers for ur desktop machins and i frogit, did any1 want a MGS lyfe alrsam walpaper an if so wut seen did u want?
nihl amd raet dot com other has aslo walpappers u don't caer about but we need feednack 2 maek coll walpapper u kids care about today so fill out are survies and let us no wht U want two see!
we aslo want to make 1500 seekuels tom pyranid haeds numer one fanb so i haeop u like viddyo gaems paradies!!!1 and some fuckin MGS hentai!!!
That freakish style looks awfully familiar...
yeah? i bet i ripped someone off.